Sunday, February 19, 2006

The bastard's RIGGED I tells ya!

Once again, my amazing tee-shirt design was shot down with a short 24 hour vote. Wow, they take them down fast. I had 9 comments, 2 were mine, and one was my friend Craig's. That well not many. So I drew a guy on an invisible teeter totter. That'll show those jerks!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Holy Shit!?

Or holy blob I guess...I was watching Penn and Teller's Bullshit! where they were guessed it....Mother Teresa!
Oh, my Laceration tee was REJECTED. It's a mystery as to why, but I'm assuming it has to do with amount of colors (I had a very tiny section that i forgot to color, so they must have thought it was supposed to be white?)

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

New Tee!

My third tee-shirt submission. I've been studying the submissions, and it seems like you don't really need anything witty to win. So I'm caterinig to a lower aesthetic. BAAAAA!...Hell I'd wear it!

Friday, February 10, 2006

My next submission

I know its one of my older images, but I redid it for the tee-shirt thingy. My last one went over very poorly. It got pulled in 24 hours for low votes, and the comments were brutal. "A potato being stabbed by a bird?" "A jelly donut?"

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Ex-Yakuza Me, Sir!

Here's my submission to the Threadless website.
Mine's kinda dumb, it's a play off of the Yakuza tradition of cutting off fingers as an offering for a wrong. I thought people might just like it because the guy was chopping off his finger. I mainly did it because Dan was the one that introduced me to the site, so I thought I'd give him a Japanese tribute.