Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Crazy Robot! Reminds me of the robot from Lost In Space, but not really. Kind of an older one of mine to show off my Photoshop coloring skills.... Posted by Hello

Eye-ball guy...This sketch took me a surprisingly long time...actual size: 11" by 14" Posted by Hello

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Here ya go!

Here is some art. This is it. Some new, Some Old. All Good.

it's a bird. sort of. a sketchbook sketch I MIGHT put color to. If your lucky. Posted by Hello

heres something straight out of the sketchbook, I fancy the bloke in the upper-right of the page. I'm probably gonna colorize it in Photochop and repost it to show off my skills.....or not. I haven't decided yet.  Posted by Hello

Isn't valentine's day sexy? I think so. I think. Posted by Hello

Its an ABC book, this one is B....um...I think. Posted by Hello

Here is a kitty I drew I liked the colors...and the headstand. Posted by Hello